Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It has been awhile

I haven't forgot you all~it has just been a busy summer and not alot happening on the adoption front. To catch you up where we are in the adoption process, we just refiled for our immigration paperwork again. This is the third time of filing! The paperwork is only good for 18 months and if we let it lapse it would mean that we would be spending alot more money and doing alot more work! So in order to keep our paperwork current this is what we have to do! Right now the CCAA has referred babies through the LID date of March 24, 2006 (remember our LID date is December 31, 2006) so we have about 9 months of referrals to go through before they hit us. Just keep praying for us....for patience and for finances for the unexpected charges that we are finding as time goes by.

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." James 1:2,3

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