Sunday, December 6, 2009


I know, I seems like it has been a long time since I "blogged" but it just seems like time is standing still in the adoption world. With that being said here is the latest, hottest (is that even a word?) news:

December 02, 2009

We received referrals today for families with LIDs of March 29, 2006. According to the CCAA website, referrals went through March 31, 2006, making the current wait time approximately 44 months.

44 MONTHS!!!!!!! CAN YOU FRIGGIN' BELIEVE IT!!!!! I think elephants aren't even pregnant this long! With all this waiting, it has us thinking, are we really doing the right thing? Is there more that we could be doing?

Something came to my mind over Thanksgiving...something that has always been there but never really discussed, always too afraid I guess. Well, anyhow, I was surfing the web and ended up looking at foster kids on the internet (so many!). For one reason or another I felt a tugging in my heart for those with siblings in foster care. How awesome would it be to be able to keep a family together! Long story short, I went to church on Sunday and in our mailbox our Pastor had put a letter that he had received from the Childrens Service in our county looking for foster families. GOD WINK :)

GOD WINKS: Meaning the things that seem to be coincidental are really God's way of speaking to us.

So I am going to be giving this lady a call to see if we can set up a meeting with her to get a little more information and also to see if she will speak at our church.

We are still pursuing our adoption from China because I KNOW that God has that perfect little girl for us but in the meantime, who knows!!!!! Pray for us, for direction and for more GOD WINKS!

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