Thursday, August 1, 2013

Last Day In Wuhan

Today is our last day in Wuhan. We will be flying out tonight for Ghuangzhou to finish up the adoption process. From what I hear, we will be able to find American food in Ghuangzhou....I will be soooo happy!

Yesterday morning we toured a museum that the Chinese are very proud of. Lots of history of the Chinese people is kept in this museum. We tried to put Kara in a stroller and that didn't go over to well! She didn't like it at all. Christine, our guide said that most Chinese children are not use to strollers so that is why she didn't like it.

Each day that goes by, we see a little more of our Kara emerge and everyday we fall even more in love with this little girl. Tony spent the afternoon with Kara while I took a nap. They played, explored the hotel and went for an elevator of the elevators is on the outside of the building and it is all glass. Kara wasn't too sure about that! Tony said she clung to him for dear life! She is so inquisitive! She studies everything carefully. We think that she might grow up to be an engineer!

It won't be long now and we will be home! We are on the backstretch! Less than one week!!!! God is so good! so very good! This is an awesome journey that we are on and we are so happy that we can share it with you!

1 comment:

rickapril04 said...

Oh my goodness, she is so fun to look at her little expressions. Love her little dimple. Enjoy your last week there! See you when you get home :)